In a few hours, we will bid farewell to 2015 and welcome 2016. I usually do a end-of-year post of some of my favourite photos and events over the year, but missed 2014 as I was overseas. I continue the tradition this year, with my favourite photos of 2015.
Here we go.
In Jan 2015, I finally had the chance to visit Yosemite National Park, the quintessential location for landscape photographers. As it was a day tour, I didn’t get to stay for as long as I’d have liked, though.

And also, The Grand Canyon.

Back in Singapore, in April, I caught the lunar eclipse of the “Blood Moon”.

I also got to visit the Raffles Lighthouse and discovered the beautiful southern islands from the top.

And not to forget, Singapore’s 50th year of independence, dubbed SG50. The National Day Parade finished off with spectacular fireworks.

August also brought us Singapore’s eighth Night Festival, with the performances by Starlight Alchemy and Theater Tol being the highlights.

Interestingly, in October, there’s the Singapore River Festival, which is somewhat similar to the Singapore Night Festival.

Finally, in November, I visited one of my dream photography locations, Iceland. My friends and I were treated to a wonderful display of the aurora borealis not once, but three consecutive nights. Talk about being lucky! I’ll be posting more photos from the trip soon.

Here’s to another great year!