Annular Solar Eclipse 2019

The various phases of the sun during the annular solar eclipse on 26 Dec 2019.

On 26 Dec 2019, skywatchers in Singapore and some parts of Asia were treated to a rare phenomenon—an annular solar eclipse. Also known as the “ring of fire”, it occurs when the moon does not completely obscure the sun, letting a “ring” of light from the sun pass through to earth. I last shot a… Continue reading Annular Solar Eclipse 2019

Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse in Singapore

On 31 January of 2018, sky watchers were treated to a rare astronomical event—a trifecta of a supermoon, blue moon as well as a blood moon. The last time this occurred was over 150 years ago, in 1866. A supermoon occurs when the moon is at the closest point to earth in its orbit, making… Continue reading Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse in Singapore

The “Bloodless” Lunar Eclipse I Almost Missed

The lunar eclipse on 4 Apr 2015 is the third of a series of four—called a tetrad—consecutive eclipses spaced six months apart. It was also the shortest, lasting barely 5 minutes at its peak. I staked out at the Esplanade Bridge an hour before totality and waited. Nightfall came, I don’t see the moon. I… Continue reading The “Bloodless” Lunar Eclipse I Almost Missed