I have not seen a rainbow, much less two rainbows for a long time now. Today, after a short period of rain, my father alerted me to the rainbow and I rushed to get my iPhone and camera to capture this rare moment.
It started with one rainbow, but after a few shots on the Panasonic LX3 and another on the iPhone 4, I noticed on the screen that there are 2 rainbows. I looked at it again, and indeed, there are two. The second one is just barely visible. Here’s the shot from the LX3.

The rainbow is kind of big and I tried to see if I can see the other half from my kitchen window. Indeed, it’s there. But the second one is not very visible here, possibly due to the clouds.

At the opposite side of the rainbow is this very intense orange sunset.

After a while, the rainbow faded away. But from the kitchen side, there is a beautiful sunset.

It ended with this.