Rendezvous of Venus, Jupiter and the Moon

Almost exactly three years ago, I caught the “Celestial Triangle” formed by Venus, Jupiter and a crescent moon early one morning. Earlier tonight, I managed to catch the gorgeous sight again, thanks to a tip-off in the Straits Times’ website which carried the news of this celestial event. As the sun set, I started to… Continue reading Rendezvous of Venus, Jupiter and the Moon

Singapore Sports Hub Open House and One Year Countdown to SEA Games 2015 Fireworks

On 27th June 2014, the Singapore Sports Hub held an open house to its facilities. The same day also marks a year to go to the SEA Games 2015. While I was disappointed that the grand dame of the Sports Hub, the rebuilt National Stadium isn’t open to the public (so much for “Open House”),… Continue reading Singapore Sports Hub Open House and One Year Countdown to SEA Games 2015 Fireworks