The weather in San Francisco is a nice 15-20°C with plenty of sunshine, which unlike Singapore, makes it possible to just relax on the grass. This would have been unbearable in the hot and humid Singapore weather. Here’s the people relaxing on the grounds of Washington Square in front of the St. Peter and Paul Church.

The route to the Coit Tower, situated on top of Telegraph Hill, was a rather tiring one, due to San Francisco’s many slopes. The following pic does not really show it, though. After getting to the end of this street, there’s still the small hill to climb. The nice cool weather made all this much better. I didn’t really break a sweat though I was huffing and puffing by the time I was at the base of the tower.

The top of the tower offers great views of the city.

The top of the Coit Tower is actually open, and makes for an interesting shot against the cloudless blue sky.

On the way down, I thought this view of the car park would make a nice shot.

Well, the people at sfhaps certainly thought so, and featured this pic on their site. 🙂